VNC Splitter
More VNC clients!
This time, this one will split up a single VNC server input into smaller pieces to form a 3x3 grid of smaller VNC server images. It’ll automatically resize it to 640x480. That stuff is configurable in the defines at the top of the file. It works best when the ratio between the source image and the destination image is a whole number, (ie: 4x4 of 640x480 images and an input of 1280x960 has a 2:1 ratio), because it uses a simple “nearest neighbour” scaling algorithm.
The idea of this client is that you take some input into this, run a whole bunch of thin clients or low end machines connecting to each of the pieces of the screen, and align some cheap CRT monitors in a grid, creating a much bigger screen. While there are pretty huge bezels with CRT monitors, it is a very low budget way to create a 107cm (42”) display from a 3x3 array of cheap 36cm (14”) monitors, for example.
Be aware that some VNC servers implement JPEG compression, which looks really horrible when you scale it up (for example, Vine). This program also requires that your VNC server has no password.
// vnc-splitter
// Copyright 2010 Michael Farrell <>
// build with: gcc -o vnc-splitter vnc-splitter.c -lvncserver -lvncclient
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rfb/rfb.h>
#include <rfb/rfbclient.h>// the height and width of the screens
// this should match the aspect ratio of the input
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 640
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 480// the amount of screens is this number squared
#define SCREEN_SQUARE_SIZE 3// where to start displays counting from.
// the first screen number is this, and subsequent screens are other positions.
#define DISPLAY_START 30// output buffers for child vnc server processes
rfbScreenInfoPtr output_screens[SCREEN_SQUARE_SIZE * SCREEN_SQUARE_SIZE];static rfbBool resizeImage(rfbClient* client)
int width=client->width;
int height=client->height;
int depth=client->format.bitsPerPixel;
fprintf(stderr, "ResizeImage fired: %ix%i %ibpp\n", width, height, depth); // change the screen resolution
// deallocate any existing framebuffer
if (client->frameBuffer != NULL)
free (client->frameBuffer);
client->frameBuffer = malloc(width * height * (depth / 8));
if (client->frameBuffer == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory for framebuffer!");
// we also need to tell libvncclient how it should put pixel data in there
client->format.redShift = 8;
client->format.greenShift = 16;
client->format.blueShift = 24;
client->format.redMax = 0xFF;
client->format.greenMax = 0xFF;
client->format.blueMax = 0xFF;
// now we set the format and encoding method information back to libvncclient so it updates it's information.
// report success to libvncclient
return TRUE;
}static void updateImage(rfbClient* client,int u_x,int u_y,int u_w,int u_h)
unsigned int x, y, src_x, src_y;
unsigned int *dest;
unsigned int *src;
unsigned int max_x = SCREEN_SQUARE_SIZE * SCREEN_WIDTH;
unsigned int max_y = SCREEN_SQUARE_SIZE * SCREEN_HEIGHT;
// precalculate the region we actually need to update.
unsigned int u_min_x = ((double)(u_x) / (double)(client->width)) * max_x;
unsigned int u_min_y = ((double)(u_y) / (double)(client->height)) * max_y;
unsigned int u_max_x = ((double)(u_x + u_w) / (double)(client->width)) * max_x;
unsigned int u_max_y = ((double)(u_y + u_h) / (double)(client->height)) * max_y;
// This scaling algorithm really sucks. It's a "nearest neighbour" scaling format.
// It's really easy to implement, really fast, but looks absolutely terrible.
// Try and end up with the image being blown up so that 1x1 on the original maps to 2x2
// on the destination. If it maps to a fraction of pixels things look really bad.
for (y=u_min_y; y<u_max_y; y++) {
for (x=u_min_x; x<u_max_x; x++) {
// now find out where that maps to on the original framebuffer.
src_x = (unsigned int)(((double)x / (double)max_x) * (double)client->width);
src_y = (unsigned int)(((double)y / (double)max_y) * (double)client->height);
// figure out where this pixel is
unsigned int d = ((y / SCREEN_HEIGHT) * SCREEN_SQUARE_SIZE) + (x / SCREEN_WIDTH);
// now create a pointer to where that pixel is stored
dest = (unsigned int*)&output_screens[d]->frameBuffer[(((y % SCREEN_HEIGHT) * SCREEN_WIDTH) + (x % SCREEN_WIDTH)) * 4]; // and fix a pointer to that
src = (unsigned int*)&client->frameBuffer[((src_y * client->width) + src_x) * 4];
// and copy the pixel
*dest = *src;
// mark that screen as updated
updated[d] = 1;
if (updated[x])
// mark the entire screen as updated for now. this could really
// use some proper optimisations.
rfbMarkRectAsModified(output_screens[x], 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
}int main (int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(stderr, "vnc-splitter\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Copyright 2010 Michael Farrell <>\n");
// create a 32-bpp "client".
rfbClient* client = rfbGetClient(8,3,4);
// tell the library we can handle being resized.
client->canHandleNewFBSize = TRUE;
client->MallocFrameBuffer = resizeImage;
// handle framebuffer updates
client->GotFrameBufferUpdate = updateImage; // we don't care about keyboard LEDs and tightvnc chat protocol.
client->HandleKeyboardLedState = 0;
client->HandleTextChat = 0;
// make a blank cursor
rfbCursorPtr cursor = rfbMakeXCursor(0, 0, "\0", "\0");
// create the vnc servers
unsigned int id;
output_screens[id] = rfbGetScreen(0, NULL, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 8, 3, 4);
output_screens[id]->frameBuffer = malloc(SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT * 4);
output_screens[id]->serverFormat.redShift = 8;
output_screens[id]->serverFormat.greenShift = 16;
output_screens[id]->serverFormat.blueShift = 24;
output_screens[id]->serverFormat.redMax = 0xFF;
output_screens[id]->serverFormat.greenMax = 0xFF;
output_screens[id]->serverFormat.blueMax = 0xFF;
output_screens[id]->autoPort = FALSE;
output_screens[id]->port = SERVER_PORT_OFFSET + DISPLAY_START + id;
output_screens[id]->alwaysShared = TRUE;
rfbSetCursor(output_screens[id], cursor);
// create the server in another thread
} // connect to the server
fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to server...\n");
// rfbInitClient also allows us to use vncviewer-style commandline options.
return 1;
// start pumping the loop.
fprintf(stderr, "Pumping...\n");
clock_t last_frame = clock();
clock_t this_frame = last_frame;
do {
int i = WaitForMessage(client, 100);
if (i < 0)
// there was an issue getting the message, probably our socket was closed.
return 0;
if (i)
// handle message
if (!HandleRFBServerMessage(client))
// error handling message, die.
return 0;
} while (1);
return 0;