
The result of a blogging accident

Asterisk Addons

This section houses various dialplans, AGI scripts and other addons for the [Asterisk][] PBX software, that I’ve written.

* [autodialer-au][] is a simple Asterisk-based wardialing software. * [conf.py][confpy] is a Python CGI script that reports who is in a MeetMe conference room. * [SA Police Speed Camera Monitor][] is a Python Asterisk AGI script that reads out all the speed cameras locations listed on the SA Police website.

[Asterisk]: http://www.asterisk.org/ [autodialer-au]: /projects/asterisk/autodialer-au/ [confpy]: http://micolous.id.au/projects/asterisk/confpy/ [SA Police Speed Camera Monitor]: http://micolous.id.au/projects/asterisk/sa-police-speed-camera-monitor/