It’s been a while.
It has been a while since I last blogged, so I’d better write a long update on what’s happening. expired while I was moving. I decided to leave it dead, as this site kinda bellyflopped anyway. So there’s lots of nice broken links out there to my site... I apologise in advance for all that. I was stuck on dialup for about three weeks at my new house. It took a little longer to get DSL provisioned than I had planned. So it’s back to for a little while.
iPrimus is the shittyest ISP ever. I like how their prepaid access kits were easy to use, but due to them having nonstandard Windows servers running the dialins, I had to use Windows as a gateway for a while. So I ended up setting up a Windows 2003 box with ICS for a few weeks. That’s now been wiped, and was probably comprimised during that time. Good on them. Also due to having to put a Windows server in the way and iPrimus’ very strict 5 hour session limits, my website was down for a while.
I’m now back up again, as of about two weeks ago. I just haven’t been bothered to write anything :) Now I think I may finally be bothered to get a new domain for myself... maybe. Once I find some spare money.
On the Saturday after my birthday, I had a rather subdued 18th party, due to the fact half of us had the flu. Oh well, good to catch up with some people. Last Saturday I went to LPC with some friends. It was good, though much bigger and slightly more serious than I’m used to. I wasn’t too worried, and we (myself, sherman, Hotsuma, Eecore) managed to trick Thrashbarg into having Windows running on his computer. It was only Windows 95, but Thrashbarg’s earlier zealotry on IRC made it still rather good. He argues that it didn’t count because it wasn’t installed on his hard drive. Oh well :)