
The result of a blogging accident

The Need, for Rice

Got sick of unstable Ubuntu. They really need to create a testing repos, with the latest software, but none of the unstable beta stuff... a nice fine balance. So I am a ricer again. Should tire me over until Gnome 2.10 in out and Ubuntu Hoary is more stable. Don’t want to live in Warty, it’s out of date.

So, over the last 48 hours my desktop computer is being rebuilt.

No TAFE is making me get a bit bored, though I should find something interesting to do real soon. Like learning C++ and use of OGRE. And panicing about how to deal with next semester more effectively than last. I’m really disappointed in my time management during that time, and my dead laptop.

Sitting watching late night TV is depressing... all the phone, SMS and internet dating ads that come on. Do they honestly think that everyone up late to watch Star Trek is all lonely? Oh wait...

Christmas was the normal. Overcrowded shops, and rushing around. I felt really tired by the end. Then to find how I will get to Sydney in the middle of Janurary to Koderfest.

Yay, the madness ensues.