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au_xmltvgen_austext is a program to generate XMLTV listings from the data on the AUSTEXT service, hosted by Channel Seven and Prime.

There is another version written in Python that exists called tv_grab_au_tuhs. It gets information from tvguide.org.au, setup by an Australian TiVo users group. I'd probably suggest you get tv_grab_au_tuhs instead of this. The data that their script generates is less legally encumbered (Creative Commons license), however their site does require registration. I'm currently using the tuhs setup on my MythTV setup, and it's somewhat better than using the d1.com.au version of tv_grab_au with Sydney listings (I live in Adelaide).

All I can really say is that Austext has been around for many many years, and that it will probably remain for many more, while the technology is still in use. The tuhs grabber offers more channels and doesn't have the interesting parsing bugs that this script has. It also has better support for Prime oddities, actually has feeds for Channel 9/NBN/WIN, and humans do actually make sure that the data is correct. There is also some extra metadata.

If you're a person who doesn't have a permanent internet connection, then this may suit you better. The decision is yours. :) Other versions and equivalents of tv_grab_au exist, and many are listed on Dr William Uther's Australian XMLTV sources page. This grabber is the only one listed that doesn't use the internet.



au_xmltvgen_austext is Copyright 2004 - 2005 Michael Farrell.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.


The current version of au_xmltvgen_austext is 1.1. You can download it as a bzip2'd tarball (10 kb), or you can download a patch from 1.0 to 1.1.


Version 1.1 (2005-03-28) bzip2'd tarball: 10kb, 1.0 to 1.1 patch: 2kb.
Added some support for parsing the rating (G, PG, M, MA, etc.) and wether a program has captions. This breaks Prime and Seven QLD feeds a lot, due to no parsing code for multiple sets of programs in different regions.
Version 1.0 (2005-03-20) bzip2'd tarball: 10kb
Original release


Installing the program is as easy as unpacking the archive and running 'make install' as root.


au_xmltvgen_austext [timezone] [server hostname] [server port]

You'll need to start alevtd first, and have your TV card set to Channel Seven (or Prime). I find alevtd is a bit touchy, I run it with the following commandline options:

alevtd -v /dev/vbi0 -4 -d -F -i localhost

Then wait about five to ten minutes. Then run au_xmltvgen_austext:

au_xmltvgen_austext | tv_sort > ~/listings.xml

This should output listings to ~/listings.xml if all went well. If you find that some data is missing or there is a parser error, run au_xmltvgen_austext without piping it's output anywhere. This will let you see where the problem is.

What do you get?

Streams for SBS, ABC, Seven and Ten in all state capitals, as well as Seven in regional Queensland and Prime in regional NSW and Victoria. The channel xmltv names are as follows:

With other channels made up as follows:

Network name

City or State

Putting it together

The channel name and city/state are sperated with a dot, then ".austext" is added to the end. The state entries only apply to Prime (NSW/VIC) and Seven (QLD). All other channels are by the state capital city.

In action

With the data used by tvtime, it looks like this:

Compatibility with tv_grab_au

None. This program has no configuration files, and the syntax is tottally different. You could run a cron script at 08:00 that changes the TV card's channel to Channel 7/Prime, then at 08:10 run au_xmltvgen_austext and output that to a file for use in whatever program you like. I wrote this due to the many versions of tv_grab_au, and the most I could get was a feed for SBS and ABC for locations outside of Sydney (the d1.con.au based grabber).

Troubleshooting and bugs


You can contact me via email if you wish to report bugs. I can't promise to fix bugs or help you out because this isn't my job. I won't help you if you don't read this page or other docs I've written.

Please do not ask me to publish my copy of the xmltv data generated from this software, as Channel 7 don't like people freely distributing the data. Please see page 104 on AUSTEXT for more information.