
The result of a blogging accident

Early December Updates

So, now for a quick rundown on all my development stuff, now it’s the beginning of December. It’s end-of-year assignment and test time, so it’s been rather busy.

* I’ve released DDRHelper 0.9.2. This includes automatic service class generation, which allows you to define new service types with no coding required, as well as Windows 2000 support. You can grab that from the [ddrhelper][] page. I must admit this has been ready for a while, I just needed to do some more testing, and bother to release it... :) * ddrgen needs to have some final cleanups done before it’s ready for the next release. The major change is that it includes threaded scanning support, greatly reducing scan times. * igaeditor (aka: Battlefield 2142 Ad Cache Editor) v0.1.5 is nearing completion for the Windows version. I want to run some more tests on it, and possibly implement a DXT-5 decompressor before releasing it. At the moment, it only has DXT-1 and DXT-3 DDS file support, whereas the older versions supported many more (because it was using an external decompressor). I’ve fixed the major issue of broken file import that was stopping me from releasing it earlier - there was a bug in the old version of the Mono SQLite ADO.NET provider I was using. After updating it to v1.2.1 it works nicely. There’s a really bare GTK#/Linux version at the moment, however I think I will put that on hold. The impatient may wish to [check out the source in SVN][igasvn].

[igasvn]: http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=181663 [ddrhelper]: /projects/ddrgen/ddrhelper/